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Clumsy nerds at Hardon Collider LOSE anti-matter.

Members of the Hardon Collider ALPHA experiment report that they have been able to trap a very small amount of antihydrogen—the simplest type of anti-atom—for the first time ever in history. That's the good news. The bad news is that one of the stupid bung-eyed cunts has gone and lost the fucking thing.

"I can't find the little piece of shit anywhere" said one of the half-blind science morons working on the project. "I could have sworn I put it in the fridge in the lunch room. To keep it cool. I thought that was a pretty good idea. By the way, it was my idea."

The anti-matter (pictured here   ) is pretty small and, according to senior Hardon scientists, going to be "a real cunt" to find inside the massive 400 square mile facility.



"I found it! Wait on, I stood on it. Oh hang on, never mind, that was just snot."

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